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God didn't create us to go it alone, and yet as men, we often buy into the lie that we should be able to do just that.

We strongly believe that we're better together, and so we set aside intentional time to connect and pray together as men. We all experience the daily joys and challenges of marriage, family, career, etc., and we wonder about things connected to our dreams, passions, and desires that flow from who God has made us to be. When you add to that the personal struggles we have with sin, temptation, shame, and regret, it becomes obvious very quickly that we can't do this alone. Proverbs 27.17 tells us "iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another". Paul reminds us that one of the most effective 'sharpening' tools we have is prayer!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4.6-7

Email Nathan to let us know you're coming and so we can order you a book!
Book Study
With - Reimagining the way you relate to God by Skye Jethani

This year we will be reading the book: With by Skye Jethani. Here is a small blurb for the book: 

'With' explores the narrative of the Bible to show that we were created to be with God, and that restoring this connection is his mission. Instead of life over, under, from, or even for God, what leads us to freedom and restoration is life with God.

Get ready to get familiar with your prepositions! this book will help us to reflect on how we connect to God, particularly as we think about the kind of relationship with God we tend to have as men. On Thursday, we will be chatting through the first part of the book (Life After Eden).

We have a great source for aquiring the book for $20.  Email Nathan to let him know you're coming, and so we can order you a book! 

Come Join Us!
on the second Thursday of every month from 7-9p

We are creating space for men to connect around good food and a time of study and prayer. The times we spend together will include a time of study and sharing followed by an opportunity to share your heart as we build each other up and carry things to Jesus together. 

Note: In the heart of this gathering maybe take a moment to prayerfully consider who you might bring with you... someone else in your life who just might be 'better together'.