An important part of following Jesus is being committed to the things He valued. Our hope and prayer is that we would continually be shaped more and more into the image of Christ as we learn what it looks like to live lives visibly marked by Christ-inspired, gospel-shaped core values -- both in the spaces we share and as we go about our individual vocations and callings.

We have been captured by the value Jesus consistently placed on Calling, Community, Discipleship, Presence, and Mission. We earnestly pray that these core values would be woven into the fabric of our lives, written on our hearts, and readily visible to others as we represent Christ to the world around us.

Vision + Identity

We make every effort to live and walk faithfully and obediently in light of God's Word; especially as we live out the calling that He has placed on us as a church in line with the vision He's given us of the place we occupy as members of the broader body of Christ. God has moulded us into an Emmaus Road for many who find themselves tired, discouraged, or at odds with Jesus and His Church. As such, our life together is marked by a deep dependence on God.

The Table is central to our life as a church. We celebrate the Eucharist at the Lord's Table during our services together as well as in our Home Gatherings, recognizing that even when we gather around the tables in our homes, Christ is there in our midst.

We are co-labourers with Christ.

At the conclusion of our times together, we go forth in the name of Christ, relying on His Holy Spirit to help us discern what specific ways He is asking us to partner with Him in and throughout our daily lives.

The burden of His heart fully encompasses every need we see in our own lives and the world around us, but, praise God, He has not asked each of us to carry the fullness of that burden on our own. He has invited us in Matthew 11.28-30 to receive from Him a yoke that is easy and a burden that is light as we labour alongside Christ!