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Thursday,, November 14 Bishop Mike Stewart will be joining us for our service at Emmaus Road Anglican Chruch.  During the service, he will be confirming many who are ready to take that step.

Confirmation is a sacrament "where people who have been baptized are released into ministry through the laying on of hands by the Bishop." - To Be A Christian, An Anglican Catechism  It is often referred to as 'lay ordination', and is a beautiful opportunity to receive the laying on of hands and prayer that the Holy Spirit would fill and empower you in a special way as you seek to walk out your calling as a part of Christ's Church.

We are so excited about this service, and encourage you to consider being confirmed if you've not already taken that step.  In preparation for this service, those who would like to be confirmed or would just like to learn more about the sacrament of confirmation are invited to a Confirmation Class following our service on Sunday, October 27.