Hello Friends!
As a Parish Council, we wanted to share some exciting news with you all. Over the past number of months, we’ve been prayerfully engaged in a discernment journey about where God was leading us to find a diocesan home. At our AGM and a subsequent zoom meeting November 10 we shared how God has been pointing us time and time again toward the Anglican Network in Canada.
Tuesday night at our Parish Council meeting, with great peace and unity we made the formal decision to apply for reception in the ANiC! God has been incredibly faithful to us and together invite you to pause right where you are and with us give him thanks.
+Dan and ANiC are incredibly excited to have us join them and have embraced us and supported us in amazing ways in this past number months. In the new year we will work with the ANiC team to submit an application, and our Parish Council will be meeting with +Dan and Arch Deacon Michael in the coming weeks to walk through some details. The move into the diocese will culminate in a ‘service of welcome’ at which +Dan and other clergy from ANiC will come to VIA to officially welcome us in a time of worship!
A significant part of the process for many of us has been the grieving as we moved toward an official end of our season with Via Apostolica. In that place, God has assured us that the things he sowed into us by way of investment and vision to date will not be lost as we take our next steps as a church. We give thanks to God for VIA Apostolica and all He did in what has been an incredible journey together. We also look ahead believing that He has much in store as we step into communion with those in ANiC - who are incredibly excited to partner together to see the good news of Jesus proclaimed in our nation.
We will continue to keep you informed and ask that you pray for the process over the next couple months. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Father Chad or any of us on Parish Council.
For the sake of Christ,
The Parish Council