Grace and Peace,
As a parish council we want to update you all as it relates to the process with Bishop Todd, and where we find ourselves currently as a church. In the fall of 2021 allegations of misconduct were made against Bishop Todd, and the archbishop formed a Provincial Investigative team to investigate those allegations. That team concluded their investigation at the beginning of June, and as of July the matter has been moved to an ecclesial court process in keeping with the canons and constitutions of the province. Details Here
At the beginning of June, Bishop Todd was inhibited from his role as Bishop of the Missionary District of VIA Apostolica. We continue to receive incredible care and support from the Province, Bishop Quigg, and many other incredible bishops and leaders who have come along side our churches and clergy. We are deeply grateful for the home God has given us in the Anglican Church in North America, and for the countless and faithful ways that they have provided care and covering to us in this past year.
Considering all that’s happened this past year, and the results of the Provincial processes related to +Todd, it has become clear to the clergy and leaders in VIA Apostolica that our churches need to prayerfully discern where God would be leading them to find a diocesan ‘home’. As we’ve prayed as a parish council here at Via Langley, we feel clearly that God has a new home for us within the province of the Anglican Church in North America (a decision that the other churches in VIA have come to as well.)
Over the past couple months, the parish council has been engaged in prayerful dialogue and discernment regarding where God would be leading us. We’ve started into great conversation with Bishops and leaders of a couple other ACNA diocese about the potential of Via Langley becoming a part of the incredible things God is doing in their diocese. We’ve also been in great communication with the other churches of Via as they are too at different stages of the same process.
When we started this process more intentionally, I heard God say “you won’t have to work/strive to figure this out! I have it all sorted and will lead you into the plans I have for you as a church.” Step by step God has been incredibly faithful to this promise, and I invite you to pray that as a church we would have the faith and clarity with which to continue following Jesus as He leads us.
At our family meeting (AGM) following the service on Sunday October 30, the parish council will bring an update with as much detail as we can regarding the diocesan conversations we’re having. We will also create space at that meeting and in the coming days and weeks to talk, pray, and follow Jesus in all these things together as a church. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or anyone on our parish council. Finally, please hold the parish council in prayer as we humbly seek to hear from the Lord, and so to lead us as together we follow Jesus.
For the sake of Christ,
Fr Chad