Where We've Come From

Over the last 7 years, we grew together as a part of a small group of churches under the banner of Via Apostolica Canada which was a missionary district of the Anglican Church in North America. Throughout the journey of church planting, we saw God faithfully lead us through challenging and beautiful seasons together. One step at a time God firmly grounded us in the good news of the gospel, a journey that brought about amazing growth and transformation both in our lives personally and in our life together as a church.

At the beginning of 2020, some circumstances came about that ultimately led to Via Apostolica ceasing to exist as a missionary district. This challenging journey ushered us into a fruitful season of discernment. Together, we prayed for wisdom and direction as we looked for a new ecclesial home, and God faithfully responded in answer to our prayers. Following this season of discernment, in February of 2023, we were welcomed into the diocese of the Anglican Network in Canada. The timing could not have been better, as we were headed into Lent. At the height of our acknowledgement of our deep need for God, He showed up in our need and welcomed us into a new home.

Where We're Headed

This journey has brought about an exciting clarity about who we are as a church, and the role we occupy in the broader body of Christ. In the scriptures, God gave new names to many in moments when they were commissioned with a clear sense of identity and calling. In much the same way that God changed Abram's name to Abraham or Simon to Peter, we heard God speaking a new name over us as a church.

We're so grateful for all that God did in our lives together during our time as a part of Via, and we wanted to honour that heritage while simultaneously stepping out into the places God is leading us as a church family. After months of prayerful discernment, our Parish Council brought forward the possibility of changing our name to "Emmaus Road Anglican Church" to the congregation at a Family Meeting.

Over the coming months, we spent purposeful time together as a church in the Emmaus Road story in Luke 24.13-35 as we prayed about this potential change. Throughout this time of prayer, it became increasingly clear that this was where the Lord was leading us. Many who have come to call our church home would describe their experience similarly to the one in the Emmaus Road story. Some came to us feeling perplexed or confused, others disenchanted or even hopeless, but - just like those on the Emmaus Road who encountered Jesus - had their eyes opened to the beautiful story He is writing in their lives one step at a time.

Our Dream In All Of It

We feel God has allowed us to become an Emmaus Road for many. Jesus is faithfully revealing Himself to us each week through His Word (Scripture) and through the breaking of the bread (Sacrament) by the power of His Spirit. If you find yourself tired, discouraged, or at odds with Jesus and His Church, we invite you to come join us on the Emmaus Road. Perhaps your story resonates with ours as you read this, and you'd like to come and be a part of inviting others to the Emmaus Road... We would love to have you join us for the adventure that awaits on the road God is sure to meet us on.


New Sermon Series:


That I Might Know Him, And Be Made Like Him

Starting in October we're going to spend time in the book of Philippians considering what it is to "know Christ, and to be made like him".  This is an incredible letter, and we encourage you read it over a few times as we prepare to dive in together.